Three phase FACTS help the students to get insight of FACTS operation in Realtime by enhancing their understandings through various experiments. This module can be used to analyze the effect of shunt compensation (STATCOM- STATIC Compensator) series Compensation (SSSC - Static Synchronous Series Compensator) and Series - Shunt Compensation (UPFC - Unified Power Flow Controller) in the transmission line.
It consists of
Generator Set-up (3Φ AC Source)
Simulated Transmission line
IGBT Based VSI Power Module
Series & Shunt Transformers with LC filter
RLC - Load setup
TMS320F2812 DSP Controller
Upgrade possible
Generator Set-up (3Φ AC Source)
3 phase Alternator DC Motor Drive setup 3Φ / 1KVA / 1500 RPM / Salient Pole type coupled with 2HP/220V DC shunt motor and with suitable drive from 1Φ AC input supply
suitable speed control, sensor and digital speed indicator.
Digital controller with IGBT based DC voltage controller for DC motor Armature Voltage variation 0-200V DC/10A & Alternator field voltage variation with necessary instruments.