DC Network Analyzer

DC Network Analyzer :

This module is used study about DC Transmission line


  • - Here we provide the bi-polar Transmission Line.
  • - Simulated long, medium & short distribution lines selectable by patching in various length of DC Transmission line.
  • - Two no of bi-polar DC generator sources with ON/OFF control and voltage regulator potentiometer.
  • - Two wire or Three wire Transmission Line operated in +12V DC.
  • - Each DC generator are independently control by potentiometer.
  • - 2 digital voltmeters and ammeters provided in the input side and 2 digital volt meters and ammeters are provided in the output side.
  • - transmission line to read the input & output parameters of transmission line.
  • - One no of microcontroller based measuring system provide to read the input and output parameters.
  • - 4 nos of digital ammeters provided to read the load current.
  • - 4 nos of resistive load and 4 nos of lamp loads are provided to load the transmission line.