Established in 1986, with a prime motto to “Design and Develop the Hardware and Software products”

This organization was established to keep in tune with the developing technologies in the field of Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Mechanical, Chemical etc.,





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" Government of Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme PCB Design Faculty Development Programme Academic year 2024 - 2025."

" Government of Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme PCB Design Faculty Development Programme Academic year 2024 - 2025."

" Government of Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme PCB Design Faculty Development Programme Academic year 2024 - 2025."

" Government of Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme PCB Design Faculty Development Programme Academic year 2024 - 2025."

" Government of Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme PCB Design Faculty Development Programme Academic year 2024 - 2025."

"Government of Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme PCB Design Faculty Development Programme Academic year 2024 - 2025."

"Government of Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme PCB Design Faculty Development Programme Academic year 2024 - 2025."

About Us

Vi Microsystems Pvt. Ltd., established in 1986, with a prime motto to “Design and Develop the Hardware and Software products” is headed by an educationalist and Ex-Scientist from Government of India, with the enormous experience gained in Research & Development.

  • Organization

    This organization was established to keep in tune with the developing technologies in the field of Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Mechanical, Chemical etc.,

  • The Company has its own massive three-story building

    The Company has its own massive three-story building with a built in area of about 20,000 square feet in Chennai. The company has an effective work force of about 200 people working in various departments such as Sales, Service, R&D, Production, Quality Control, Finance, Purchase, Project etc. Each department is well equipped with Engineers and highly qualified Professionals working to achieve the objectives of the organization.

  • Various Departments

    The company has also its own R&D wing recognized by Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Government of India. By increasing its operations multifold the company has provided employment to more people in its various different departments.


Our Products

Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT System includes Sensors ,Gateways and Different types of Wireless based End Devices

Smart Grid Simulator

Smart Grid Simulator is a convenient solution for studying the basic Architecture and the Real-Time Operation of Smart Grid

Flexible AC Transmission Systems

Three phase FACTS help the students to get insight of FACTS operation in Realtime by enhancing their understandings through various experiments

IPM Based Power Module

Power Module is designed for Motor control Applications upto 3 HP by using IGBT & DIODE Technology Based IPM

PAM-PPM-PWM Modulation and Demodulation Trainer

PAM- PPM- PWM is the basic pulse modulation techniques. This trainer provides complete setup to the students for performing Experiments on these techniques. They can study Sampling, Pulse Modulation &Signal reconstruction process. Separate circuits are provided for each Techniques

Solar Wind 3Φ, 2KW Smart Grid

This consists of 2 Microgrids of 2000 watts and 1000 watts of power generation connected to a main Power Grid with all the components needed to convert a traditional Grid to a Smart Grid so that many experiments can be conducted on this “Smart Grid”

Vi Microsystems Pvt. Ltd.,

The company has also its own R&D wing recognized by Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Government of India. By increasing its operations multifold the company has provided employment to more people in its various different departments.

Contact us

SCR Characteristics Trainer

  • Basic static characteristics study trainer.
  • LM723 based variable DC power supply (0-30V) for SCR Vak.
  • LM723 based variable DC power supply (0-12V) for gate voltage of all devices.
  • Separate section for SCR/TRIAC characteristics

DC Network Analyzer

This module is used study about DC Transmission line

  • Here we provide the bi-polar Transmission Line.
  • Simulated long, medium & short distribution lines selectable by patching in various length of DC Transmission line
  • Two no of bi-polar DC generator sources with ON/OFF control and voltage regulator potentiometer.

RF Signal Source with Detector

  • 25 to 6000MHz RF synthesized signal generator.
  • Programmable attenuator 5, 10, 20, 30dBm up to 1.5GHz.
  • 40 x 2 LCD Display to display the frequency of the RF signal and RF signal level.
  • Output level : 0dBm +/2dB upto 1GHz, -5dBm, +/-2dB upto 3GHz, -10dBm, +/-3dB upto 6GHz.

Advanced Universal FPGA Trainer

The universal FPGA trainer consist of a main board with many peripheral like USB Device, Ethernet, Serial ports, Parallel Port, VGA port, Graphics LCD, Switches, LED, ADC etc. This motherboard has 4Nos of high speed connectors for plugging the daughter boards, which contains the FPGA of any manufacturers. Separately 2Nos of 100 pin high speed connectors provided for hardware expansion as plug in boards.

Level Process Controller

A RF capacitance Level Transmitter is used to sense the tank level.An Industrial standard electro pneumatic converter is used to control the control valve.


This trainer is designed to study the working principle of the bridge and to find the unknown values of Medium resistances (5Ω-100KΩ)

Wireless Connectivity Kit

A Powerful Wireless Connectivity board is designed based on Sitara AM335X Cortex-A8 for detailed and combined study of different Wireless Communications.

Transmission Line Trainer

This trainer is designed for study of co-oxial cable characteristics like Impedance measurement,
VSWR measurement etc.,

6 Axis Robotic Trainer

This kit is very useful to learn the concept and working. For experienced people, this kit helps to make new ideas. This kit is used to study the ROBO characteristics of arm movement. Each axis has one stepper motor.

Microcontroller Based Distance Impedance Relay Trainer

It consists of many components i. Transmission line module ii. Voltage and current signal conditioners iii.Distance Relay iv. Multifunction Meters

contact Us

Contact Us


No:75 ,Electronics Estate, Perungudi,chennai-96,India,



+91-44 2496 1842, 2496 1852

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